Niddereg Präis iwwer Factory-Direct
Schafft direkt mat der Elektronikfabrik fir de Mëttelmann auszeschneiden. Neit Original mat nidderegen a Remise Präis
Sécher & Qualitéit Zouverlässegkeet
Qualitéitsversécherungssystem fir super Produktqualitéit. Op Zäit, All Kéier Dispositioun vu Qualitéitskomponenten.
Iwwer 15 Milliounen Inventairen
100+ Top berühmte globalen Hiersteller, iwwer 15 Milliounen Inventairen. Stock verfügbar déi Ënnerstëtzung fir direkt mat Remise Präis ze kafen.
Client frëndlech Servicer
One Stop Léisung personaliséiert op Är eenzegaarteg Ufuerderungen. Ënnerstëtzung an 12 Sproochen Websäit, méi Komfort a séier Servicer.
B&K Precision is a leading supplier of DC power test solutions including DC power supplies and DC electronic loads. The company also offers a complete range of general purpose test instruments including AC power sources, component testers, signal generators, oscilloscopes and digital multimeters. Additionally, solutions for battery test & analysis and data recorders that measure process control parameters have recently been added to the offering.
For more than 60 years, B&K Precision has been building a reputation for excellence in the design and manufacture of reliable and cost-effective test and measurement instruments. The company’s products are used in a wide range of applications including design, research and development, production line testing, industrial maintenance, and electronic field service. B&K Precision test and measurement instruments are standard equipment in a large number of universities and technical schools which train future engineers and technicians.
14882 Produiten
49022 Produiten
4339 Produiten
19469 Produiten
136340 Produiten