Niddereg Präis iwwer Factory-Direct
Schafft direkt mat der Elektronikfabrik fir de Mëttelmann auszeschneiden. Neit Original mat nidderegen a Remise Präis
Sécher & Qualitéit Zouverlässegkeet
Qualitéitsversécherungssystem fir super Produktqualitéit. Op Zäit, All Kéier Dispositioun vu Qualitéitskomponenten.
Iwwer 15 Milliounen Inventairen
100+ Top berühmte globalen Hiersteller, iwwer 15 Milliounen Inventairen. Stock verfügbar déi Ënnerstëtzung fir direkt mat Remise Präis ze kafen.
Client frëndlech Servicer
One Stop Léisung personaliséiert op Är eenzegaarteg Ufuerderungen. Ënnerstëtzung an 12 Sproochen Websäit, méi Komfort a séier Servicer.
Established in 1979 and acquired by Essentra in 2014, Mesan forms part of Essentra's Components Division. Mesan offers over 80,000 products and has manufacturing locations worldwide.
Mesan develops high-performance, ergonomic, innovative, customer-oriented products for industries such as electrics-electronics, telecommunications, machinery, transportation, railway, and furniture. These products are sensitive to environmental and human health while complying with international regulations.
Mesan has ISO 9001-2008 quality certification, their products comply with RoHS standards, and they are aware of the obligations arising from 2007s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulations.
35372 Produiten
60681 Produiten